Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tuition Refund at HLS?

The Harvard Law Record recently reported--coincidentally, of course, on April 1--that HLS will issue a tuition refund to students who find themselves without employment upon graduation.


  1. Wow, on the one hand, I´d rather not be in the position of the students who didn´t get a job; on the other hand, however, lucky them! It sounds incredible that HLS will refund their tuition.
    The announcement raises some questions to me:
    how does HLS control whether students have looked for jobs and were rejected? Don´t thes etype of measures create incentives to become a corporate lawyer - ratger than, say, a public interest specialist or a law professor?

  2. Ha! Martin, the story was an April Fool's joke. I bet the Harvard Law Record fooled a lot of people!

  3. This sounded pretty awesome until I realized the date. How gullible am I?


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